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Stevie Smith

Not waving
but drowning

More questions of a challenging nature!

Keith Tankard
Updated: 3 March 2014
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The poet examines in an almost playful manner the implications of someone suffering psychological distancing from society, where the person becomes mentally or socially "dead" to the community, where the person is crying out for rescue but where no-one even notices.


"Stevie" was only her nickname. She was actually christened Florence Margaret Smith.

She was born in Yorkshire in 1902. At about the age of three, however, she and her sister were abandoned by their father and would be raised by their mother in London.

Her mother died while she was a teenager after which the future poet and her sister came to be cared for by their unmarried aunt, a domineering woman who would leave a distinct mark on Ms Smith's future character.

After graduating from the North London Collegiate School for Girls, Ms Smith began work as a secretary to a magazine publisher and started writing at the same time.

She published her first novel at the age of 34 and her first book of verse would follow when she was 35.

Many of her poems were illustrated with rough doodles, and she established a reputation for writing simple, almost nursery rhyme poetry but which was nevertheless rich in meaning. Her favourite themes were death, her religion and fairy stories.

Ms Smith won several awards for her poetry, including the Chomondeley Award (1966) and the Queen's Gold Medal (1969).

She would remain in the same house in London from age three until her death. She died of a brain tumour in 1971 at the age of 69.

Have you looked at the questions
in the right column?
Read the left column and then answer
the following questions:

"Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning."
  • Explain the triple "no no no". And why does the poet not use commas to separate the words? (4)

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  • What is the purpose of parenthesis? Identify the part of the verse which is in parenthesis. (4)

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  • Why has the poet chosen to use parenthesis in this verse? (4)

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"I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning."

The concluding two lines are a repeat of similar lines in Stanza 1.
  • What differences does one see in the repetition? (4)

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  • What new message does the poet put forward by these changes? (6)

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Comment on the very simplistic style adopted in this poem. (10)

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It has been stated elsewhere that death is perhaps Stevie Smith's most popular subject.
  • To what extent is death a theme in this poem? (4)

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Wikipedia states that Stevie Smith's style "is unique in its combination of seemingly prosaic statements, playful meter, and deep sense of irony."
  • To what extent is this a correct opinion as regards this poem? (10)

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This is a poem for several voices.
  • Identify the voices. (4)

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  • What is the purpose of using this technique? (10)

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